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Vector NLS4021-17D

Medicomat 4025 Hunter

  Remote 4025 Hunter

Mobile Hunter 4025

Metatron Hospital
Apply for a remote health checkup and full body scan at home

Medicomat-5 Remote Health Checkup and Remote Treatment at Any Distance

Now Everyone Can be Healthy with Medicomat Hunter Remote
∙ The first patented remote system that works only using information and no biological materials are required
∙ Only client's information is required for remote quantum bioresonance scanning and therapy
∙ Health checkup and therapy worldwide, as if that client from 10.000 km away is sitting at your desk

Welcome to the Quantum Universe, where there is no time and space just a quantum field, and where only client's information is required for remote testing and treatment using the latest quantum bioresonance and AI technologies. Required information that determines client's Biological-ID (Quantum-ID) are: name, gender, date of birth, blood type, address, phone. Also, the Medicomat remote system can work with a biological DNA sample from hair and nails, as well as with a photo.

MEDICOMAT REMOTE is a patent-protected and trademarked upgrade for Medicomat Hunter 4025 that enables it for remote health scanning and treatment at any distance. All functions and capabilities of the Medicomat Hunter bioresonance system are fully available in remote mode. Also, the upgraded Medicomat Hunter can be used with the same features in two ways: in local mode with headsets or in remote mode. MEDICOMAT REMOTE set contains: 1) original packaging of Medicomat Hunter 4025 and 2) Medicomat quantum remote devices.

Remote Health Checkup Test Scanning and Therapy for the Entire World
Remote mode can fit perfectly into your busy lifestyle. Medicomat Hunter 4025 Remote allows remote diagnosis and remote therapy of a client at any distance and who does not have to be in the same room or in the same country. This live remote format can be used for any health condition of the whole body, all organs, cells, viruses and bacteria, as well as for allergies and sensitivity to food and drugs.

Start working remotely and offer clients the 'Remote health checkup and therapy' service and charge per hour or block sessions. Clients do not have to leave their home to get the best health care, just to submit a personal details.

 REMOTE FEATURES:    Remote Scanning and Remote Treatments    Quantum Health Pendant   Powerfull Remedy Maker 

Now everyone can try Medicomat quantum bioresonance before buying their own device.
Only client's information is required for remote quantum scanning and therapy

Remote Mode: more precise scanning and more efficient treatment
The most powerful Medicomat Quantum Remote device has a double set of bioconductors and bioreceptors as well as the quantum readout and the scalar waves transmitter so that it achieves a more precise scanning and more efficient treatment than a classic device with a biosensor in headsets.

Local Mode: with headsets
Medicomat Quantum Remote can also work in local mode, i.e. when the client is present and wears headsets.

Works with the two best bioresonance software
1) VectorExpert multi-language software (44 languages) is the most comprehensive bioresonance software that shows the largest number of health parameters and some very attractive features such as: automatic scanning and therapy of selected system, aura and chakra scanning and therapy, physiotherapy, genetic predisposition, vaccine, age timeline, etc. >>>Learn more
2) Meta Hunter is newer more powerful software that penetrates deeper into the tissue, down to the level of molecules. Therefore, it is more effective in treating serious diseases and destroying viruses and bacteria. Also, Hunter is much more automated software and is therefore easier to handle. Hunter creates a table with the biggest health problem at the top, others are further ranked lower according to the severity of the problem. >>>Learn more

This is the era of quantum mechanics, quantum physics, quantum computing and quantum medicine. A quantum is the smallest amount of something that cannot be further divided. Where matter turns into energy and vice versa, on an invisible level, 100 million times smaller than an atom, quantum medicine works. It is focused on extremely low energy levels that are characteristic of the processes of information exchange in the human body.

Quantum health care for everyone
Conventional medicine has reached its limits and there is no solution for viruses, bacteria and many diseases. Quantum systems can scan and treat much deeper up to the level of DNA and molecule and therefore can be much more successful in many cases.

Quantum bioresonance is the only technology that can detect and eliminate viruses and bacteria from the body as in the video on demand. Make a quantum leap and learn more about it and don't allow yourself occurrence of any health problem or get sick from the virus and be hospitalized.

How Does It Work from a Distance?
Quantum link for remote therapy and testing can be imagined as a cosmic endless connection to which anyone can connect using their Biological-ID.

The Medicomat Quantum Remote system can connect to the client via his ID even after a month or a year and perform a quantum health checkup for the full body and apply the necessary bioresonance therapy.

Introduction to Quantum Theory
Remote health tests, check-ups, diagnostics and treatments apply healing frequencies at any distance using the client information i.e. Biological-ID that creates an electromagnetic field and a unique energetic connection to the client. This was referred to as “Instantaneous action at a distance” by Einstein. Modern physicists named it “Quantum Entanglement”.

These recent discoveries in quantum physics now provide the scientific underpinning for many of the healing phenomena and mystical practice we have seen for millennia. The client's Biological-ID is used as a medium for permanent quantum link between the Medicomat device and the client, which provides unlimited possibilities for occasional quantum testing and distance healing.

Distance healing is when the bioresonance practitioner sends quantum energy to a client who is not physically present in the same room. It is just as powerful as having a one on one session. It is very helpful especially when the client is unable to visit a therapist. After depositing a Biological-ID, you can use on-demand testing and treatments that guarantee the same day service in the coming months and years.

What Are Medicomat Distance Treatments?
Distance treatments are great for busy mums, children and babies, stressed executives who look to long-distance healing when in need of an extra boost of energy healing and who can’t come into the office. Its good for those who need encouragement to help them with their career, family, personal development. Good for those travelling, sitting exams, attending important meetings, having surgery, those who cant come in due to commitments, work, school, people with mobility problems – this is very effective and very accurate. Of course, all the benefits of remote mode can also be enjoyed by you and your family, because you do not have to be next to the device or wear headsets. Distance treatments are also excellent for pets that need help.

How Quantum Bioresonance Technology Works
The quantum approach to healing is based on the fact that every living organism emits energy - quantum. The quantum is the smallest energy block that is released from every living cell in our body, at the level of subatomic particles. The diagnosis is based on the fact that healthy organs or parts of the body also send "healthy" vibrations (frequencies), unlike sick ones when those frequencies have altered characteristics. Quantum devices detect these frequencies, analyze and correct them therapeutically, so that the healing process is performed at the cellular and quantum level.

With quantum medicine we can notice changes that occur inside our body and still do not give symptoms; it is also possible to detect and treat an already developed disease.

How Is a Distance Session Performed?
Some practitioners schedule the time when the session is to happen. Others will send the energy to be available when the receiver can to receive it.

When a practitioner performs distance healing, usually the client sits or lies comfortably, fully clothed. The practitioner will use a Biological-ID of the client as a medium for the quantum energy flow.

Your personal details are sufficient to determine your unique Biological-ID. Required personnel details are: Surname, Name, Father's name, Gender, Date of Birth, Blood type, Address, Phone.

How Long Is a Distance Healing Session?
Distance healing is especially ideal as a general support 2-3 times a week. A distant healing session is usually shorter, around 30 minutes. During one session, 3-5 organs (body parts) or 1-2 systems can be treated.

Will Distance Healing Interfere in Any Way with My Regular Medical Program or with My Pharmaceutical Prescriptions?
Energy distance healing does not interfere in any way with regular medical treatments or drugs. In fact, energy healing complements traditional medicine because it boosts your own energy levels so the body can heal itself, the way it was meant to.

How Will I Feel?
Most recipients feel the energy and the correction, almost immediately. Sometimes people feel energized by the session. Sometimes their system gets a little sleepy. This is usually because the body goes into a healing cycle and wants rest to do its work. Usually the person wakes up the next day with more energy and sense of well-being.

Bioresonance Food Intolerance Test
Provide your customers with a food sensitivity/intolerance test based on a Biological-ID to change their diet and thus reduce some symptoms.

Quantum Health Pendant

The quantum pendants are energy remedy storage devices. They can be programmed with bioresonance energy and charged during a balancing session with bioresonance patterns and once registered to client's energetic signature (Biological-ID), they can be reprogrammed at distance.

The quantum health pendants are made from a Quartz crystals which has an inherent subtle electromagnetic field emanating from its programmable matrix. Quartz crystals are energy amplifiers and have a memory, meaning they can store information.

You can make the most powerfull personalized Quantum Pendant because of the double set boireceptors and the big quantum scalar waves transmitter.

Medicomat strongly recommend that all remote clients have a Quantum Pendant. This is to maximise the treatments, enhance distance healing sessions and acts as a storage device that is charged during a Medicomat balancing session. They transmit the patterns to a person while being worn or carried, working best within 7cm of the body. The pendants also serve as a receiver for remote sessions.

What Does the Pendant Do?
Contains personally prescribed treatment/rebalancing programme and will remain effective for 3 months. The pendant can be recharged at any time you need ‘extra’ support and when you have a new treatment. You do not need to come into the office as recharging your pendant can be from “ distance”.

The pendant can be worn around the neck over leather or clothing, it can be held, put in a pocket or under a pillow at night. The pendant is filled with resonances specific to the client’s needs to get back into balance.

The quantum pendant must not be wetted and washed with water because the water will erase the bioresonance records, so it must be re-programmed remotely.

Powerfull remedy maker

Have more power than normaly with double sensors and scalar waves. There are many hundreds of remedies in the NLS database and with this quantum system, so you can make personalized medications.

Now everyone can try Medicomat quantum bioresonance before buying their own device.
Just send a Biological-ID and you will receive a health report.

∙ Frequency of internal generator - 4,9GHz
∙ Average time of scanning - 2 sec
∙ Accuracy of researches:
    anatomical structure 85-95%
    histological models 85-90%
    genetic and chromosomal models 80-90%
∙ Number of organs and tissues - 1432
∙ Number of preparations and processes - 4012

Testing of etalons:
∙ organopreparations
∙ biochemical homeostasis
∙ pathomorphology
∙ microorganisms and parasites
∙ allergens
∙ allopathy
∙ nutriceutics
∙ homeopathy
∙ phytotherapy
∙ lithotherapy
∙ food products
∙ genetic predisposition
∙ vaccine
∙ age timeline

Main functions:
∙ Bacterial research
∙ Ultrastructure
∙ Identifying of nidus borders
∙ Vegeto-test
∙ Smart-filter
∙ Entropy analysis
∙ NLS analysis
∙ Comparative analysis

Alternative diagnostics:
∙ Evaluation of BAP at hands and feet
∙ Auriculodiagnostics
∙ Iridology

Correcting actions:
∙ Meta Therapy
∙ Phytotherapy
∙ Stone Therapy
∙ Physiotherapy
∙ Acupuncture Therapy
∙ Aura Therapy
∙ Chakra Therapy

Offer your customers personalized services based on a Biological-ID:
∙ Health testing and full body checkup, all organs, cells, viruses and bacteria
∙ Health testing with therapeutic quantum pendant
∙ Remote health testing and distance treatment
∙ Detecting and removing viruses and bacteria from the body
∙ DNA diet - food sensitivity/intolerance test
∙ Red blood cell biochemical homeostasis
∙ Aura scanning and remote aura cleansing
∙ Chakra scanning and remote chakra balancing
∙ Age timeline and genetic predisposition
∙ Quantum remote treatments
∙ Personalized therapeutic quantum pendant
∙ Personalized quantum preparations
∙ Remote physiotherapy

VectorExpert multi-language software is available in 44 languages.
Hunter Software is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Croatian.
To insure our machine work perfect, we also sell it with Laptop which has all the software.
Also, we supply a machine without a Laptop.
Operation System: Windows 10 Pro

Buy now!
Medicomat Quantum Remote
Medicomat Quantum Remote with Laptop

Provided the instruction manuals, step-by-step video training and online support for your successful start.

WARNING : The original "Medicomat®" devices are only sold by Medicomat Limited. Here is a link to our storefront:
Another Sellers is Hijacking our Brand Listings and Medicomat not responsible for their false representation and delivery of fake products.

This program is exclusively designed to carry out psychophysical investigation.
The apparatus operating in combination with the program does not belong to the class of medical devices and therefore is not subject to registration by the committee for certification and licensing of medical practices.


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Medicomat 4025 Hunter Bioresonance Diagnosis and Therapy

Health Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy 4021-17D Bioresonance System

© 2012-2021 Distance Healing ,, Medicomat Limited

We provide this material for informational purposes only. We do not prescribe, diagnose, or make medical claims. Your results may vary. We do not offer or sell any medical devices. Quantum frequency systems are used for testing, energy balancing, life extension and relaxation. If you use the information in this site without the approval of a health professional, you prescribe for yourself, which remains your lawful right, but the authors do not assume any responsibility.